Tuesday, June 5, 2012

June 5

Happy last Tuesday of the school year! Everyone should have turned in their semester project to me on Tuesday of last week. If you did not submit it to me, you must do so ASAP!
Be reminded that you lose participation points when you are caught on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and similar sites. You may listen to music on a site like www.grooveshark.com that does NOT have videos. If music starts to interfere with your ability to complete your work or stay on task, you will lose that privilege.
Warm Up:

Last time for this warm up! *tear* Go to http://www.typingtest.com/ and take a test. YOU CHOOSE! Yes, it’s true, my students. Mr. Horner is giving you the choice of which test you take and for how many minutes. Report your typing speed to me in your warm up! Good luck!
The Module 2 Test is live in Moodle for the rest of the marking period. You have two attempts to take the test, but be sure to review some of the modules before you begin. Once you begin, you must complete the test. If you come across something you can’t answer in the first attempt, make a note of it and research it before taking your second attempt. You must see me to get the password to take the test. Good luck! See me if you think you have warm ups you need to do, or any other missing work, so you can use your remaining time to complete work and improve your grade!

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